Author: Gibson Mphemvu

Four Lettered

In case misfortunes denounce our privileges Much that, the seas and oceans to water our affections’ seed run dry and our godly sweet souls melt through dividends
Drawing the closure of our hearts’ eyes
As windows of what our mouths uttered in true faith face shutters
And the sky never turn blue on our faces,
Just open up your lips and say the magic word “love”
For its definition and eminence will always stand right beside us

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Random Thoughts Of A TONGA CHAP

© 2021 by Gibson Mphemvu

To God be the glory for the gift of writing

Copyright © 2021 Gibson Mphemvu
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.

Other Literal Works by Gibson Mphemvu

Letters Addressed to Sophie
In My Feelings
Vessel of the Series of Love


Dedication 6
Preface 7
Time Heals 8
Dry Tears 9
I Do Not 10
Last Conversation 11
I Wish 12
Don’t 13
Is it Love or?

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Tell the story however different you wish to
Twist its intended value
And create your own meaning
that satisifies and suits your expectations
I won’t argue nor play the debate cards
For I have at heart what I meant
When I said: “I need you”
When I said: “I can’t live without you”
And when I said: “My heart beats for you”

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When am gone,
Open your eyes to the vault of heavens
Take a deep breath in the face of its devine rewards
Gurgle down into silent mode
Lend an ear to your soul
Hold together the pieces of your spirit
Say our prayer of love
And listen to your heart
For I will be right in there for you

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Let the echoes of my heart touch your love in depth
Caress your inner intuition
As I spell my feelings for you with strong faith

Fasten your intense ears
Hear the calling of my affection
Standing blameless before your bliss

Acquaint my pure splendor
While harnessing and feasting on the speeches prepared hereforth sincerely
For love is the language we speak
So I surrender

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Only if I was to draw a vivid picture of how much I miss you
Yes, I have never had the pleasure to hold your hand
Yes, I have never had the delight of standing next to you
Yes, I have never had the chance to hold dear of your splendid moments
Yes, my senses haven’t had a taste of your touch
Nor my eyes the sentiment of your glorious smile
But my heart speaks of you still

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The sounds from the country side beam of comfort from your gorgeousness
The light of the stars under your glory tremble with cheerfulness
As painters paint pictures in the color of your smiles
Preachers preach of the verses of your amazement
Worshipers bow their heads down in honor of your despicable splendor
Teachers teach from the literature of your beauteous existence
Letters of love enclosed in envelopes written from the arts of your overwhelming perfection
Designers blend fashions on the basis of your comeliness
Scholars tirelessly study the root of the beauty you embrace
Warriors fight with strength exhaled from your divine fragrance
And so readers read of the letters of love written in the ink of stars from your pleasantness
Kings solemnly praise as nature sends yes notes addressed to your blessedness
For your beauty and eminence is proficiently exceptional
Dear God

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Gibson Mphemvu

© 2020 by Gibson Mphemvu

To God be the glory for the gift of writing

Copyright © 2020 Gibson Mphemvu
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher.


I would love to officially thank the following:
Loga Joseph the author of A writer who loved a church girl for the support,

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We might disagree on a mountain of facts
Maybe fight over our to be believed super opinions
Even wish to burry each other and tell the “rest in peace story” afterwards
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t need training to be myself
I have a mind of my own

We might fight and shed blood
Grab each other’s throats with eyes out and be glad
Not talk for years
Only to surprise you with a four paged e-mail with sorry stories written all over it
Don’t get me wrong,

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How about we raise our glasses for;
A toast to the ones who betrayed us but their wishes never came true
A toast to all back biters, for the cycle continued and what they spitted caught our ears in blue
A toast to all those who prayed for our downfall, only to see them clapping hands to our up rise for a greater call
A toast to all who cursed the uncursed curses which fell in our way but we still fell forward to greatness
A toast to all who assumed turning our better days to their own glory but tasted none
A toast to all mongers who hoped for our crumble only to face their own
A toast to the ones who grounded sorrow for happiness and joy is all we reaped
A toast to the ones who saw us as ungentle but gentle is what we all became
A toast to the ones who defined beauty,

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