Interpretation of Dreams (Masters Collections)

Quick Overview

Explores the significance of dreams in revealing the unconscious desires, fears, and conflicts of the individual.

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SKU: 9789380005874 Categories: , Tags: , , GTIN: 9789380005874

Product Description

“The virtuous man contents himself with dreaming that which the wicked man does in actual life. ”Regarded as Sigmund Freud’s most significant work, The Interpretation of Dreams was published in 1899 and aims to give readers a peek through the workings of the unconscious mind through dream interpretations. In this book, Frued paves a new way of understanding human nature and thought processes. The book fascinates the readers with symbolisms that establish how everyday experiences get manifested into dreams. Describing them as picture-puzzles, Freud asserts that dreams can form a “poetical phrase of the greatest beauty and significance”

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Sigmund Freud


Preowned, Readable




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